
Back to Overview of Pesticide Use Reporting

Notice of Completion--Notification from the agricultural pest control business/operator to the operator of the property within 24 hours of completion of the pesticide application.

Notice of Intent--Notification of intent to apply a restricted material from the operator of the property to the agricultural commissioner 24 hours prior to commencing the use of a pesticide.

Operator IDs--A unique ID required to be obtained from the county agricultural commissioner by every property operator before buying or using pesticides for production agriculture.

Pest Control Operator (Pest control operators)--Those in the business of applying pesticides, such as aerial applicators, structural fumigators, and professional gardeners.

Preharvest Interval--The interval between the time the application is made and when the commodity can be harvested.

Reentry Interval--The interval between the time a pesticide is applied and when workers may enter the field.

Restricted Material--A pesticide that is designated as restricted by the federal or state pesticide regulatory program because of its potential to be harmful to public health, farm workers, domestic animals, honeybees, the environment, wildlife, or other crops.

Site ID--An ID obtained from the county agricultural commissioner for each location/field where pest control work will be performed that is recorded on the restricted material permit or other approved form.