9. Program Funding

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DPR's cost to administer data collection, perform computer processing, provide county information technology support, and publish data summaries is approximately $1.8 million annually. This includes $850,000 paid to the counties for data entry. These figures do not include maintaining the pesticide product label database since it is also used extensively by other DPR programs.

The total cost to fund the state's pesticide regulatory program is approximately $50 million annually. Of that, $13 million is directed to the county agricultural commissioners to fund local enforcement. It is important to note that DPR's existing pesticide regulatory program provides the infrastructure base on which the full use reporting program is built. Without this base, which includes both county and state activities and personnel, full use reporting costs would be substantially higher.

Although not directly related to the full use reporting program, the following figures reflect annual state funding to all counties for local pesticide regulatory programs, which are intricately tied to California's total pesticide regulatory program.

$2,881,000 – Restricted materials program required under state law and regulations; includes such activities as permit issuance, review notices of intent, evaluate current environmental conditions against the permit, presite inspections.

$9,129,000 – Amount varies annually; provides funding for investigations (e.g., human health effects, environmental, property damage/loss); pest control operator registrations; private grower certifications; training; agricultural and structural inspections (for example, equipment, field worker safety, mixer/loader, business records, headquarters, dealer records, headquarter safety, fumigation); and the nearly 300 percent workload increase related to implementation of full use reporting.

$172,000 – Workload associated with fulfilling requirements for pesticide residue sampling/monitoring contracts.

$34,000 – Dealer licensing.

$850,000 – Pesticide use data entry reimbursements.

$13,066,000Total DPR Funding to Counties for Pesticide Regulatory Program