For Immediate Release
Lea Brooks
916-445-3974 |

DPR Launches Web-based Special Local Needs Pesticides Database

SACRAMENTO – The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has developed an easy-to-use, Web-based database to provide access to special local needs (SLN) pesticides registrations, Chief Deputy Director Chris Reardon announced today. States have authority to register additional uses of a federally registered pesticide if there is a demonstrated local need.

However, pesticides must first be registered by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and DPR before they can be sold or used in California or registered as a SLN. Over the years, DPR has issued hundreds of SLNs, some of which are registered for use in a specific county and others approved for use statewide.

For example, DPR issued a statewide SLN in September 2010 for use of Dipel DF Biological Insecticide on olives to control the European grapevine moth. Grapes are its preferred host, but this newly arrived invasive pest will also cause damage in cherries, prunes and olives.

“This database provides immediate access to information on both active and inactive SLN registrations,” Reardon said. “Growers, farm advisers and licensed pest control advisers/applicators can use the SLN database to identify pesticide products registered for relatively unusual pest/crop combinations. County agricultural commissioners can identify whether a particular SLN product is registered for use in their county for enforcement purposes.”

Previously, stakeholders had to request SLN information from DPR, a process that took up to 10 days.

“The SLN database is part of DPR’s commitment to expand our Web-based services for growers and other stakeholders so information can be provided as quickly, cost-efficiently and securely as possible,” Reardon added.

Users can enter crop/site, pest, county, chemical, brand name, U.S. EPA registration number and other criteria to generate a list of SLN registrations. The SLN database is posted at:

One of five departments and boards within the California Environmental Protection Agency, DPR regulates the registration, sale and use of pesticides to protect people and the environment. Additional information about DPR is posted at