Protect Endangered Species . . . Now There Is A Free App for That

SACRAMENTO – Concerned about endangered species such as the San Joaquin kit fox? California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has created a new exciting free mobile app to help protect California’s wildlife.
Called ‘PRESCRIBE’, the powerful app, which is Android and iPhone ready, can help anyone learn about ways to apply pesticides and minimize hazards in ways that protect endangered species that may be in their area.
PRESCRIBE is an acronym for Pesticide Regulation’s Endangered Species Custom Realtime Internet Bulletin Engine. It is connected to DPR’s online database application.
DPR has been addressing endangered species protection issues for more than 25 years. The release of the app coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.
- PRESCRIBE has information on more than 1,000 species that are listed as endangered, threatened, or rare under state and federal laws.
- It uses a database of geographic locations of endangered species habitat (the Natural Diversity Database), provided by The California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
- In addition, PRESCRIBE can search for 30,000 pesticides by brand name.
PRESCRIBE identifies a user’s location by using the mobile device (smart phone, tablet) global positioning capabilities to reference geographic coordinates. It then identifies listed species that may be present, down to a one-square-mile area, and provides use limitations to protect the species from the pesticide.
Download PRESCRIBE at: