For Immediate Release
Craig Cassidy
916-445-5815 |

New School, Child Care Center IPM Training Online Now

IPM announcement for online training

For more information about DPR’s free IPM training, go online to Or, call Lisa Estridge at (916) 445–2489.

(SACRAMENTO) – The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is providing free, online training for people who work at schools or child care centers and use pesticide products like disinfectants, insecticides, and herbicides on the job.

This training is required under the state Healthy Schools Act, which encourages the use of integrated pest management (IPM) at schools and child care centers. IPM reduces reliance on pesticides by emphasizing prevention and sanitation techniques. Examples of IPM practices include installing door sweeps and sealing gaps in buildings, and removing food, water, and shelter sources so that pests can’t make a home.

Everyone from janitors who use sanitizers, to groundskeepers who use herbicides, and teachers and aides who use disinfecting wipes, is required to get IPM training. DPR is offering basic, intermediate and advanced courses to address varying job duties and pesticide use. For example, a teacher or parent volunteer would take the “basic” course, which includes information about disinfectant use, while a groundskeeper might take the “intermediate” course, which focuses on practical pest management at schools. Details about each course are on the website.

“The required training will help ensure that pesticides will be used with a better understanding of potential impacts to children’s health,” said Lisa Estridge, DPR Senior Environmental Scientist.

The one–hour courses must be taken annually. The advanced online course will provide continuing education credit for DPR and Structural Pest Control Board licensees.

The IPM training requirement takes effect July 1. Those required to have the training should plan to take the course before July because demand is expected to be high.

Take the training here:

For more information about DPR’s free IPM training, go to Or call Lisa Estridge at (916) 445-2489.