2020 IPM Achievement Award Winners Announced
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation will honor five award winners for their achievements in reducing risk from pesticide use in a ceremony on Feb. 18, 2021.

The IPM Achievement Award Program recognizes organizations that use integrated pest management (IPM) to address the diverse pest management needs throughout California. IPM is a method of pest management that reduces the use of chemical pesticides by using preventative and natural strategies.
“We are at an inflection point in the evolution of pest management in California. Greater use of integrated pest management techniques will be fundamental as we transition to safer and more sustainable tools,” said DPR Director Val Dolcini. “I congratulate this year’s award winners for helping lead this transition and for using innovative and sustainable pest management techniques that are both effective and safer for the environment.”
The awards will be presented on Feb. 18 at 1:30 p.m. in a virtual ceremony that will be webcast at https://video.calepa.ca.gov/.
The 2020 IPM Achievement Award Winners are:
All Kids Academy Head Start, Inc. – San Diego County – All Kids Academy (AKA) Head Start, Inc. is receiving an award for its exemplary pest management program at its 14 child care centers. AKA Head Start, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing child care services in the San Diego area. This organization’s IPM program focuses on strong communication, careful monitoring, and active prevention to manage pests. AKA Head Start, Inc. partners with experts to find the most effective, lower-risk options to protect children in its care from pests and pesticide risk. AKA Head Start, Inc. sets the bar for IPM implementation and Healthy Schools Act compliance at child care programs in California. Media interested in this organization may also contact Debbie Sanchez at dsanchez@akaheadstart.org
Humane Wildlife Control Inc. – Monterey County – Humane Wildlife Control Inc. is receiving an award for its dedication to not using rodenticides for structural rodent and wildlife management. Instead, the company uses live-trapping, one-way exits, and biological control to remove and exclude rodents. According to the co-founder of Humane Wildlife Control Inc., the non-chemical methods used by the company are effective long-term and prevent re-infestation. Through its active efforts to improve upon pest management strategies and share its successes with others, Humane Wildlife Control Inc. promotes humane and ecological pest management. Media interested in this company may also contact Rebecca Dmytryk at help@humanecontrol.com
Michael Baefsky – Contra Costa County – Michael Baefsky, owner of Trees, Bugs, Dirt, is receiving DPR’s first Lifetime IPM Achievement Award for his career-long dedication to IPM advocacy and education. Through his landscaping consulting firm, Trees, Bugs, Dirt, Mr. Baefsky provides professional IPM consulting with an emphasis on developing site-specific IPM plans for public and private entities. He has held advisory positions in the Bay Area and helped to develop many IPM publications. Mr. Baefsky recently worked with the San Francisco Department of the Environment to co-author Pest Prevention by Design – Landscapes, an interactive IPM model that focuses on designing landscapes to prevent pest invasions. Michael Baefsky’s ongoing dedication to IPM implementation through professional, advisory and teaching endeavors has enriched and will continue to benefit the people and environment of California. Media interested in Michael Baefsky’s work may also contact him at treesbugsdirt@gmail.com
Phytophthoras in Native Habitats Work Group – Marin County – The Phytophthoras in Native Habitats Work Group is receiving an award for its comprehensive program to manage Phytophthora pathogens in plants. Phytophthora pathogens are devastating to plants in habitat restoration areas and forest settings. This Work Group completed five years of research on the Phytophthoras pathogen and used this research to create best management practices for managing Phytophthoras in nursery settings to halt its spread into natural areas. Through extensive research and effective outreach efforts to share its practices, the Phytophthoras in Native Habitats Work Group has made commendable progress in minimizing the spread of Phytophthoras. Media interested in this organization may also contact Janice Alexander at jalexander@ucanr.edu
UC Spray Application Pest Management Alliance Team – El Dorado County – The Spray Application Pest Management Alliance Team aims to minimize the incidence of agricultural pesticide drift and reduce the risk of pesticide illness though training. The Team developed an Air Blast Sprayer Calibration training program to increase pesticide applicators’ adoption of best practices when using air blast sprayers. The training program is interactive and offers practical experience in key training topics. This highly effective training and the extensive outreach completed by the Team make the Spray Application Pest Management Alliance Team an excellent recipient of an IPM Achievement Award. Media interested in this organization may also contact Lynn Wunderlich at lrwunderlich@ucanr.edu
Find out more about the IPM awards and previous winners.