For Immediate Release
Leia Bailey, Communications Director
(916) 445-3974 |

Department of Pesticide Regulation Proposes Regulation to Provide Public Access to Pesticide Information Prior to Applications

SACRAMENTO – Today, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) noticed a proposed regulation for a statewide system that will provide the public with information prior to intended applications of restricted material pesticides in California.

DPR’s proposed regulation builds on the process in the state of California to regulate restricted material pesticides. Applicators must be licensed, obtain a permit and provide notice to the county agricultural commissioner prior to applications of restricted material pesticides. The proposed regulation would require information about restricted material applications for the production of an agricultural commodity to be submitted electronically to DPR for public posting through a new statewide information system 24 hours prior to intended restricted material pesticide applications except for soil fumigant restricted materials, which would be posted 48 hours before an intended application.

The proposed regulation complements California’s existing regulatory system that includes the evaluation and registration of pesticides before use, restrictions on pesticide use to reduce risk to people and the environment, and the enforcement of pesticide laws and regulations by DPR and the state’s 55 county agricultural commissioners.

DPR is holding three public hearings on the regulation: Dec. 13 in Clovis, Dec. 14 in Ventura and Dec. 19 in a virtual setting. The department is additionally accepting written comments on the proposed regulation between Nov. 3, 2023, and Jan. 12, 2024.

“This proposed regulation and statewide pesticide application information system are an important advance in increasing transparency and equitable access to information for all Californians,” said DPR Director Julie Henderson. “The proposed regulation builds on and complements the strict regulatory programs carried out by the Department of Pesticide Regulation and county agricultural commissioners that keep people and the environment safe.”

The proposed regulation follows a two-year period of outreach conducted by DPR to inform development of the statewide information system, including four focus groups and eight public meetings held between 2021-2022 and a series of pilot projects hosted by four counties to test elements of system design in 2022. The department is currently conducting beta testing to inform the ongoing development of the technology needed to support the statewide system. The department began system development in 2021 after the state’s 2021-2022 budget allocated an initial $10 million over four years for that purpose.

The draft regulation can be viewed on DPR’s website.

Public Comment Period Open Nov. 3, 2023, through Jan. 12, 2024

Public comments may be submitted via email sent to or by mail sent to DPR 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015 Sacramento, CA 95812-4015.

Public Hearings Held on Dec. 13, 14 and 19, 2023

DPR is hosting three public hearings to collect oral and written comments on the proposed regulation.

  • Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.
    Clovis Veterans Memorial District
    Memorial Auditorium
    808 4th Street
    Clovis, California 93612
  • Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.
    Ventura County Fairgrounds
    Santa Rosa Hall
    10 West Harbor Boulevard
    Ventura, California 93001
  • VIRTUAL Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.
    Held on Zoom
    Webinar ID: 873 2837 5612
    Passcode: 221172
    Zoom join online
    Join via mobile phone by calling: +16699009128,,87328375612#,,,,*221172#
    Join via landline by calling: +1 669 900 9128 and enter the Webinar ID and Passcode when prompted

For more information on the development of the statewide notification system, visit DPR’s Statewide Pesticide Application Notification System Updates webpage.


The California Department of Pesticide Regulation protects human health and the environment by fostering sustainable pest management and carrying out a robust regulatory program.

DPR’s work includes conducting scientific evaluations of pesticides to assess and mitigate potential harm to human health or the environment prior to and following registration, registering all pesticides prior to sale or use in California, monitoring for pesticides in the air and water, and enforcing pesticide laws and regulations in coordination with 55 County Agricultural Commissioners and their combined 500 field inspectors across the state’s 58 counties. DPR invests in innovative research, outreach, and education to encourage the development and adoption of integrated pest management tools and practices and conducts outreach to ensure pesticide workers, farmworkers and local communities have access to pesticide safety information. More information about DPR.