SprayDays Information Sheet for Growers and Pesticide Applicators
The new regulations, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on December 13, 2024 and effective February 24, 2025, enable the implementation of SprayDays California, a statewide restricted material pesticide application notification system developed by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). This system has been designed with input gathered from extensive public outreach and engagement efforts over a four-year period.
DPR Anticipates Implementing the Statewide System in Late March 2025.
The new SprayDays system will provide the public with timely information in advance of restricted material pesticide applications in production agriculture.
The system will feature a web-based map and option to sign-up for email or text message notifications sent 48 hours prior to the intended use of soil fumigants and 24 hours prior to the intended use of other restricted material pesticides.
The SprayDays website will include:
- Pesticide safety information, including reminders to avoid application sites and follow any posted warning signs.
- Notices that applications may begin within a four-day window or may not occur at all.
- Information on the restricted material pesticides included in the system.
- Context on how pesticides are regulated in California.
What do the Regulations Require for Growers and Applicators?
Starting February 24, 2025, the regulations require the electronic submission of all agricultural use Notices of Intent (NOIs) for the use of restricted material pesticides in production agriculture to the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) through CalAgPermits, or third-party tools currently used to submit NOIs to CalAgPermits.
If a grower or applicator cannot submit an NOI electronically due to undue hardship (e.g., internet outage, limited access to electricity, or a declared emergency), the CAC may authorize alternative submission formats, including allowing paper submission of NOIs. In such cases, the CAC will upload select NOI data into CalAgPermits.org on behalf of the grower or applicator.
Will This Change How Growers and Applicators Currently Submit NOIs to Their CAC?
The only change is that NOIs must be submitted electronically to the CAC through CalAgPermits except in cases of undue hardship. Growers who already use CalAgPermits to submit NOIs, or third-party tools currently used to submit NOIs to CalAgPermits, will experience no change to their process.
What Information Will be Shared with the Public From the NOI Through SprayDays California?
The SprayDays California website will share:
- The intended date and time of the pesticide application. (Notifications and the website will clearly state that applications may begin within a four-day window or may not occur at all.)
- The location of the application within a 1×1 mile grid, consistent with information listed on NOIs and reported through Pesticide Use Reports (PURs).
- Application information including pesticide product name(s), active ingredient(s), application method, number of treated acres, and U.S. EPA registration number.
This information will be publicly accessible concurrent with NOI submission and will remain on the website for four days following the intended application date.
What Information Will be Shared With the Public to Support Public Safety Near Pesticide Applications?
The SprayDays system provides information on the safe and legal use of pesticides in California and reminders to stay away from fields and follow posted warning signs when pesticides are in use.
What Additional Information Will be Provided on the SprayDays Website?
The SprayDays website will also provide responses to frequently asked questions about the notification system and restricted material pesticides, including context on pesticide regulation in California, explanations of how pesticides are evaluated before registration, and pesticide safety tips, such as reminders to avoid application sites and adhere to posted warning signs.
If a Grower or Applicator Submits an NOI but the Application Does not Occur, is the Information Removed from SprayDays California?
SprayDays shares NOI information concurrent with its submission to the CAC. If a grower or applicator decides not to proceed with the application, the information will not be removed. However, the SprayDays website and notifications note prominently that the application may not occur or may be rescheduled for a variety of reasons, including a decrease in the pest presence or changes in weather conditions.
Will the System be Updated or Changed in the Future in Response to Feedback Received After SprayDays Launches?
The regulation requires DPR to collect broad public comment, along with comment from the State Board of Food and Agriculture and DPR’s Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, on an annual basis to inform a final report on the effectiveness and impact of the regulation issued three years after the system is launched. DPR encourages growers, applicators, all interested parties and the public to provide comments to be included in the annual status update and inform any future adaptations necessary to meet the goal of increased transparency and continued safe, legal pesticide use in California. The comment period will be open in late 2025 or early 2026 and more information will be available on DPR’s website.
How Does SprayDays California Work in Conjunction With the Annual Pesticide Use Notification Requirements Near Schools and Childcare Facilities?
The new regulations do not exempt growers or applicators from providing annual notification to school sites within ¼ mile of their production agricultural properties, as required by 3CCR 6692. More information on pesticide use near school sites.
Who Should I Contact if I Have Questions About the System or How it Works?
- For information on submitting your NOI electronically or regarding hardship exceptions, please contact your County Agricultural Commissioner.
- For questions about the SprayDays California website, contact the Department of Pesticide Regulation at spraydays@cdpr.ca.gov