02/11/2025 | Announcement

Save the Date: DPR Pesticide Prioritization Workshop on April 8

On April 8, DPR will host a workshop to provide an overview of our work to characterize pesticide risk and develop mitigation in a public and accountable way. The purpose of the workshop is to share DPR’s approach to developing a proposed pesticide prioritization process and structure for an advisory committee to inform this process. 

When: April 8, 2025

Time: 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

Where: In-person: Cal EPA Headquarters, Byron Sher Auditorium, 1001 I Street, Sacramento | Virtual

The workshop will showcase DPR’s proposed pesticide prioritization process – a data-driven, transparent, and coordinated approach to identify and prioritize risks posed to human health and the environment by pesticide use. DPR will also provide an overview of a scientific advisory committee for pesticide prioritization, sharing the proposed composition and structure for an engaged, public-facing committee. Spanish interpretation provided in person and on Zoom.

DPR welcomes public input and will be seeking public comment on the proposed process and committee immediately following the workshop. Public comment will be accepted for 30 days after the workshop, through May 8, 2025.