02/21/2025 | Blog

SprayDays California Scheduled for Statewide Rollout on March 24, 2025

Spray Days California Logo

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is anticipating the statewide launch of SprayDays California on March 24, 2025. SprayDays California is a first-of-its-kind statewide system designed to provide transparent, accessible and timely notifications and information about the application of specific pesticides, called “restricted material pesticides,” used on farms.

The regulations that support the implementation of SprayDays California go into effect on February 24, 2025, requiring growers and applicators to electronically submit Notices of Intent (NOIs) for restricted material pesticide applications in production agriculture via CalAgPermits or third-party partner platforms. A DPR information sheet is available in English and Spanish for compliance guidance.

SprayDays California will provide information online, and through email and text message notifications, 48 hours before the intended use of soil fumigants, a type of restricted material pesticide, and 24 hours before the intended use of other restricted material pesticides used on farms. Website visitors can search for scheduled applications anonymously using a map or enter any California postal address to view applications planned within a one-square-mile area. Users can also opt in to notifications about planned applications near a specified address using a mobile phone number or email.

DPR will provide updates on its website in advance of the statewide launch of SprayDays California.