Follow Up to the Draft Proposal to Implement Changes to Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Pesticide Drift
In December 1999, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) issued a letter (ENF 99-045) advising you of its intent to draft a proposal to change the requirements governing ground and aerial applications of pesticide spray solutions. Because we did not clearly convey the preliminary nature of the proposal, the letter generated uncertainty that DPR is moving ahead without consulting with county agricultural commissioners (commissioners) and concern that pesticide drift issues were not fully researched prior to distribution of the proposal.
DPR wants to clarify its intentions regarding draft changes to Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) pertaining to drift control and ensure your participation in the process. To this end, we request that you consider nominating a representative from each Area Group to participate on a co-agency work group designed to research and develop effective and practical drift control regulations. In addition, DPR plans to offer public meetings to solicit input and allow discussion with the impacted community.
The attached chart provides an overview of DPR’s preliminary plan to implement changes to the existing drift control regulations. As this process gets underway, DPR will advise commissioners of any revisions to the implementation plan, locations and dates of scheduled meetings, and all future draft revisions to the drift control regulations.
Please submit your selections for the co-agency drift work group by March 17, 2000, to:
Ms. Nancy Grussing, Supervising Pesticide Use Specialist
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Pesticide Enforcement Branch
830 K Street, Room 401
Sacramento, California 95814-3510
(916) 445-3866
If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to call me.
- Attachment