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Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 06-01
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Revised Sample Analysis Report / Investigative Samples: Analysis Results “Time Frames”

The Sample Analysis Report (PR-ENF-030) has been revised. The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has responded to concerns raised about the return of original documents to the County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) by working with the lab to develop a procedure to ensure their return to the CACs for use as evidence in subsequent hearings. Laboratory analysis time frames have also been revised and can be found on the back page under “Sample Prioritization”.

A check box for “structural related” investigative samples has been added for tracking purposes. This box is to be checked only for structural pest control related samples, not for incidents (such as drift from an agricultural application to a structure) in which swab samples may be taken of a structure.

Enclosed are two documents, one describing changes in the designation and laboratory analysis processing times for investigative samples, and the other, an electronic copy (pdf) of the revised Sample Analysis Report (PR-ENF-030) used for the submission of investigative samples. Please review these changes before use.

Enclosed with the hardcopy of this letter is a pad (25 forms/pad) of Sample Analysis Reports. Order additional pads through established form requisition procedures (ENF 2005-020). Should you print your own form, print or copy the pages back-to-back (single two-sided sheet) to maintain the chain-of-custody record with the sample information.

Upon receipt of your revised Sample Analysis Reports pad discard all earlier versions of this form. Failure to use this updated version could result in delay of your investigative samples being analyzed.

If you have questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.


Original signature by:
Scott T. Paulsen
Chief, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100


  • Revised Sample Analysis Report / Investigative Samples: Analysis Results "Time Frames"
  • Sample Analysis Report PR-ENF-030
Ms. Kelli Okuma, SPCB Registrar
Roy Rutz, DPR Agriculture Program Supervisor III
Ms. Mitzi Spatz, DPR Forms Coordinator
Mr. James Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison