Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 15-14
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium

Recently, ENF 2015-13 was issued to amend and update Volume 2 of the Compendium. The following section from Title 16 California Code of Regulations (16CCR) should also have been listed. The newly updated and issued compact disk (CD) will include the updates outlined in ENF 2015-13, as well as the following sections of 16CCR.

Title 16, California Code of Regulations

Title 16, California Code of Regulations
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
16CCR 1920 Amended Citation Requirements 10/2/2013
16CCR 1948 Amended Fees 1/1/2015

16CCR sections with general edit (non-substantive change): 1937.11

As the pagination is now different, we suggest that your office print out entirely new manuals when in receipt of the CD, which will be mailed to you soon.

If you have any further questions please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.


Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaison