Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 08-21
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Field Fumigation Emission Reduction Regulations

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has adopted and amended regulations to reduce emissions from field fumigants. These regulations, which went into effect January 25, 2008, change how field fumigations can be done in the 19 counties within the ozone nonattainment areas (NAAs). The changes are required to reduce emissions of VOCs from pesticide applications. The changes and amendments are many and complex; DPR has placed considerable guidance on our webpage to assist both the user and the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) in the application and enforcement of these rules.

As we enter the peak fumigation season, I would like to remind you of the fumigation method restrictions and reporting requirements included in the regulations. In addition, the VOC regulations relating to fumigant allowances were implemented in the Ventura NAA during 2008. At a minimum, the VOC restrictions on allowances will be implemented in 2009 in the San Joaquin Valley and the Southeast Desert NAAs.

An overview of the requirements, fumigation methods, emission targets and allowances, as well as changes in pesticide use reporting as it applies to this subject area are available on DPR’s website at: Enclosed is the text of the new regulations.

If you have any questions regarding the new regulations, contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • Field Fumigant Regulations Text, PDF
Mr. James Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Mr. John Sanders, Chief, Environmental Monitoring Branch
Mr. Randy Segawa, Agriculture Program Supervisor IV
Enforcement Branch Liaisons