Information on Dichlorvos (DDVP)
Find information on the registration status, continuous evaluation and mitigation measures in California to regulate this active ingredient. An active ingredient is the chemical that makes a pesticide work on a target pest.
Active Ingredient: Dichlorvos (DDVP)
Type of Pesticide: Insecticide
California Registration: Yes
EPA Registration: Yes
Fumigant: No
California Restricted Material: No
Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC): Yes
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): No
Potential Groundwater Contaminant: No
Reevaluation Status: None
Chemical Class: Organophosphate
DPR Chemical Code: 187
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Documents
- September 2008 - Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document Third Addendum - English pdf
- July 2007 - OEHHA Comments on Draft Risk Characterization Document, Third Addendum
- November 1998 - Dichlorvos (DDVP) Second Addendum to Risk Characterization Document - English pdf
- November 1997 - Dichlorvos (DDVP) Addendum to Risk Characterization Document - English pdf
- January 1996 - Dichlorvos (DDVP) Risk Characterization Document - English pdf
- November 1990 - Monitoring of Methyl Eugenol and DDVP in Fruit near Fruit Fly Reaps during a Pest Trapping Program - English pdf
- October 1989 - The Environmental Monitoring of Methyl Eugenol, Naled and Dichlorvos during a Pest Trapping and Eradication Program - English pdf
Historic Documents
- March 2007 – Response to Request by AMVAC for an Exemption from Conducting the Air Monitoring Closet Study on DDVP - Registration Evaluation Package ID# 219483
- December 2002 – Review of DDVP Product Labels for Compliance with the Mitigation Measure Stated in the Department's Mitigation Document for DDVP
- May 2002 – Worksite Inspection of Sanfilippo Facility Associated with 28-MER-02
- January 2002 – Mitigation Proposal for Reduction of Human Exposure
- May 1999 – Dermal Absorption of Molinate, Napropamide, Permethrin, Dichlorvos, and Hydrogen Cyanamide in Rats
- February 1999 – DPR Moves to Cancel Registration of Pest Strips
- December 1994 – OEHHA Comments on DPR Draft Risk Characterization Document
- June 1993 – DDVP: Metabolic Fate, Dermal Transport and Human Exposure Data
- January 1990 – Human Illnesses/Injuries Reported by Physicians in California invloving Indoor Exposure to Pesticides containing Chlorpyrifos, DDVP and/or Propoxur 1983 - 1986
- July 1987 – Dissipation and Consequent Possible Dermal Exposure Hazards of DDVP and Propoxur on Horizontal Surfaces Following the Release of Insecticide with an Indoor Fogger
- July 1986 – Dissipation of Dislodgeable Foliar Residue for Chlorpyrifos and Dichlorvos Treated Lawn: Implication for Safe Reentry
- November 1984 - Dissipation of Dislodgeable Residue of Chlorpyrifos and DDVP on Turf
- October 1984 – Dissipation of DDVP and Propoxur Following the Release of an Indoor Fogger - A Preliminary Study
- January 1982 – Vapona (DDVP) Exposure Potential to Workers in Mushroom Houses in Ventura County, California in 1981
- November 1981 – Pesticide-Related Occupational Illnesses and Injuries to Firemen in California as Reported by Physicians in 1980
- October 1981 – Monitoring Residues of DDVP in Room Air and on Horizontal Surfaces following use of a Room Fogger