Information on Phosmet
Find information on the registration status, continuous evaluation and mitigation measures in California to regulate this active ingredient. An active ingredient is the chemical that makes a pesticide work on a target pest.
Active Ingredient: Phosmet
Type of Pesticide: Insecticide
California Registration: Yes
EPA Registration: Yes
Fumigant: No
California Restricted Material: No
Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC): No
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC): No
Potential Groundwater Contaminant: No
Reevaluation Status: None
Chemical Class: Organophosphate
DPR Chemical Code: 335
Historic Documents
- February 2003 – A Study of Dislodgeable Foliar Residues of Methomyl, Phosmet and Propargite on Grapes in Fresno, Kern and Madera Counties, 1990
- January 2002 – Equations for Predicted Values and Prediction Limits for Dislodgeable Foliar Residues
- September 1993 – Dermal and Urinary Monitoring of Peach and Apple Harvesters Exposed to Organophosphate Residues in Sutter, Stanislaus and Mardera Counties, 1989 and 1990
- August 1988 – Risk Assessment Document
- February 1988 – Exposure Assessment Document
- August 1986 – A Survey of Dislodgeable Organophosphate Residues on Selected Crops in Fresno and Merced Countries at the Time of Harvest During Fall of 1985
- January 1985 – Employee Exposure to Pesticide Residue and Nuisance Dust During the Mechanical Shaking and Sweeping of Almond Harvest during August and September 1984
- November 1978 – Regulation of Pesticide Use and Safety in California as it Involves use of Pesticides in the Treatment of Cattle Scabies due to Psoroptes Ovis
- July 1977 – A Study of the Decay of Phosmet (Imidan) on the Foliage of Peach Trees in Stanislaus County, California June - July 1977