2001 Winter Conference Minutes
Enclosed is a copy of the 2001 Winter Conference minutes for your reference. This copy includes all of the Board of Directors and committee meeting minutes, along with any attachments I received from your Association. As you can imagine, these documents were received in varying formats and programs–from Microsoft Word and WordPerfect, to Acrobat Reader and others. For this reason, some of the minutes may appear slightly different than originally produced by the committee secretary, but I believe the necessary information is there, and understandable. However some attachments are not included because they were not received from all committees.
Electronic and hard copies of these minutes have been distributed to all County Agricultural Commissioners, and to staff from the Department of Pesticide Regulation and the Department of Food and Agriculture. I also sent a box to the California Association of Standards and Agricultural Professionals for distribution to county staff. The minutes are also posted on the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s internal Web site. It is my understanding that the California Association of Standards and Agricultural Professionals will post them on its Web site as well.
If you have any questions or comments regarding these minutes, please call or e-mail me.