2003/04 Prioritization Plan, Negotiated Work Plan, and Focused Activity Plan
The 2003/04 Prioritization Plan (PP), Negotiated Work Plan (NWP), and Focused Activity (FA) documents are enclosed to assist you in the development of your 2003/04 Negotiated Work Plan. The coordination of our pesticide use enforcement efforts result in better statewide compliance levels, prudent resource allocation, and clearer communication between the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the county agricultural commissioners (CACs).
When the mill assessment disbursement team developed the PP/NWP/FA mill disbursement changes, they also promised to review the program after several years of operation. DPR plans to add this review to our 2003/04 operational plan. Improving our communication will help promote stronger relationships and constructive dialogue with the CACs on enforcement and compliance assurance activities. In the coming year, DPR expects to initiate a review of the NWP and FA processes and consequences of mill criteria changes. DPR will present this information and proposals to implement appropriate program improvements upon completion of this review.
If you have any questions, please contact your senior pesticide use specialist liaison.
- Enclosure, PDF