2003 Enforcement Manual Update – Regulations Section (Title 3, California Code of Regulations)
Enclosed, for your information and use, is a copy of the 2003 Title 3, California Code of Regulations (Regulations), prepared by the Department of Pesticide Regulation which includes Division 6. Pesticides and Pest Control Operations prepared by the Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Please use this enclosure to replace the Regulations section of your Enforcement Manual. The Enforcement Manual has been revised so that as regulations are amended, repealed, or adopted, replacement manual pages will be provided to replace the pages with the outdated regulation(s). These replacement pages will be sent to you as enforcement letters as changes arise.
Reproductions for your staff may be made, utilizing the enclosure as a master copy. The Regulations are also on the enclosed compact disk from which copies may also be made. A link to the complete Regulations can be found on DPR’s Web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/legbills/calcode/chapter_.htm.
In you have any questions, please contact your senior pesticide use specialist liaison.
- Enclosure, PDF