2006 County Registration Requirements and Fees Survey
County Registration Requirements and Fees for Pest Control Businesses, Pest Control Aircraft Pilots and Agricultural Pest Control Advisers are posted on the Licensing and Certification Program´s Web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/countyrequire.pdf. Revisions are made throughout the year when counties notify the Department of Pesticide Regulation of changes in their requirements or fee information.
Enclosed are the county registration requirements and fees spreadsheet for Structural Pest Control Businesses and Farm Labor Contractors which will be posted to the Department´s Web site after it is finalized. Also enclosed are spreadsheets for the fees for pest control businesses, pilots, and advisers.
Please review the enclosed spreadsheets with your current county registration information and provide us with any changes that you may have by July 10, 2006. Our intent is to provide clear, concise county registration requirements, specifically in the “Registration Caveats” column, to clarify general information and the forms required. Changes to these spreadsheets, the County Registration Web site, and questions can be directed to Mr. Richard Schuman, Staff Services Analyst, at (916) 324-4469 or rschuman@cdpr.ca.gov by July 31, 2006. Your assistance and cooperation are appreciated.
- Enclosure