2008 Rice Pesticides Program
As a reminder, last year the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) approved Resolution R5-2007-0018 requiring continued management practices for rice pesticides for 2007 through 2009. The resolution can be downloaded at: www.swrcb.ca.gov/centralvalley/board_decisions/tentative_orders/0703/index.shtml.
The Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) recommended Rice Pesticide Permit Conditions can be found in the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium; Volume 3 – Restricted Materials and Permitting. Appendix C from the Restricted Materials and Permitting manual has been revised. The only changes to the section on Rice Pesticides are the section/subsection numbers and page numbers. All other information remains unchanged from the previous version of the manual.
The recommended Rice Pesticide Permit Conditions include:
- Appendix C.1 – General Drift Minimization
- Appendix C.4 – Rice Pesticides
- Subsection C.4.1 – Instructions to County Agricultural Commissioners on Bolero 15 G Ultramax – Rice Pesticide Permit Issuance
- Subsection C.4.2 – General Water-Holding
- Subsection C.4.3 – Methyl Parathion (Buffer Zone, Water Management)
- Subsection C.4.4 – Molinate (Water Management, Worker Safety)
- Subsection C.4.5 – Phenoxy/Dicamba Herbicides (Drift Minimization)
- Subsection C.4.6 – Thiobencarb (Drift Minimization, Water Management)
The documents above can be downloaded at: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/append_c.pdf (881 kb). It is recommended Appendix Sections C.1 and C.4 be printed in order to have the most current documents available for any review and discussion.
Valent U.S.A. made a request to the CVRWQCB to amend Resolution R5-2007-0018 to shorten the water-holding period for Bolero 15 G Ultramax. DPR’s understanding is the earliest the request can be placed on CVRWQCB’s agenda is June12 – 13, 2008. DPR will keep CAC’s informed of Valent U.S.A.’s progress in their effort to shorten the water-holding period from 30 days to 19 days for Bolero 15 G Ultramax, EPA Registration No. 59639-112-ZA.
If you have questions, contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.