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Mary-Ann Warmerdam
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Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 08-11
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

2008 Rice Pesticides Program

As a reminder, last year the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) approved Resolution R5-2007-0018 requiring continued management practices for rice pesticides for 2007 through 2009. The resolution can be downloaded at:

The Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) recommended Rice Pesticide Permit Conditions can be found in the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium; Volume 3 – Restricted Materials and Permitting. Appendix C from the Restricted Materials and Permitting manual has been revised. The only changes to the section on Rice Pesticides are the section/subsection numbers and page numbers. All other information remains unchanged from the previous version of the manual.

The recommended Rice Pesticide Permit Conditions include:

  • Appendix C.1 – General Drift Minimization
  • Appendix C.4 – Rice Pesticides
    • Subsection C.4.1 – Instructions to County Agricultural Commissioners on Bolero 15 G Ultramax – Rice Pesticide Permit Issuance
    • Subsection C.4.2 – General Water-Holding
    • Subsection C.4.3 – Methyl Parathion (Buffer Zone, Water Management)
    • Subsection C.4.4 – Molinate (Water Management, Worker Safety)
    • Subsection C.4.5 – Phenoxy/Dicamba Herbicides (Drift Minimization)
    • Subsection C.4.6 – Thiobencarb (Drift Minimization, Water Management)

The documents above can be downloaded at: (881 kb). It is recommended Appendix Sections C.1 and C.4 be printed in order to have the most current documents available for any review and discussion.

Valent U.S.A. made a request to the CVRWQCB to amend Resolution R5-2007-0018 to shorten the water-holding period for Bolero 15 G Ultramax. DPR’s understanding is the earliest the request can be placed on CVRWQCB’s agenda is June12 – 13, 2008. DPR will keep CAC’s informed of Valent U.S.A.’s progress in their effort to shorten the water-holding period from 30 days to 19 days for Bolero 15 G Ultramax, EPA Registration No. 59639-112-ZA.

If you have questions, contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.


Original signature by:
Nan Gorder, Ph.D.
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Mr. Tim Johnson, California Rice Commission
Ms. Roberta Firoved, California Rice Commission
Mr. Rudy Schnagl, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
Mr. John Sanders, Ph.D., DPR Branch Chief
Mr. Roy Rutz, DPR Agriculture Program Supervisor IV
Mr. James Shattuck, County Agricultural Commissioner Liaison