2009 Structural Regulatory Training
The Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) and Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will be conducting Structural Regulatory Training this year in two locations.
Southern California:
March 16-18, 2009 (Monday – Wednesday)
Radisson Hotel
1211 E. Garvey Avenue
Covina, CA 91724
Northern California:
April 20-22, 2009 (Monday – Wednesday)
Radisson Hotel
6680 Regional Street
Dublin, CA 94568
This letter includes:
- The training session calendar and curriculum.
- Instructions for making training and hotel reservations.
- Instructions for obtaining expense reimbursement for attendees.
A full program begins at 12 noon on Monday, and we will make every effort to stay on schedule. Participants should allow time on Monday morning to eat lunch and check-in to the hotel before noon. The format of the program has been revised somewhat this year to include breakout sessions for beginners and for more advanced staff; please review the attached program for details.
We will finish at 12 noon on Wednesday. Participants must stay for the entire program on all three days to receive reimbursement. Traffic congestion and personal time commitments are recognized, but for the sake of others, participants who are unable to stay the entire day, should release their training slot in favor of someone who can stay.
Reservations for training participants should be made by completing the attached reservation form and emailing it directly to Cliff Smith at csmith@cdpr.ca.gov by February 27, 2009. This form includes requests for hotel room reservations. NOTE: DPR staff will coordinate room reservations with the hotel.
Only participants who live and work at least 50 miles from the training location are eligible for hotel lodging. Hotel reservations, room charges and taxes will be paid directly by DPR for eligible participants. A credit card authorization will be taken from each participant at room check-in to guarantee any supplemental charges accrued to the room.
Training will continue during some meal periods. Those meals will be provided as part of the training program. Meals not provided as part of training will be reimbursed by DPR. Travel costs, including per mile reimbursement for use of county-owned vehicles, will also be reimbursed by DPR.
Expense Reimbursement
DPR will be paying for hotel rooms and some meals directly. Any remaining travel and meal expenses will be reimbursed by DPR to the participant’s county, as allowed by the State Administrative Manual.
Claims will be paid for the following expenses:
- Mileage for personal or county vehicles (at $0.585 per mile)
- Meals incurred arriving and departing the training event
- Meals during the event not provided by DPR.
Instructions for reimbursement will by provided at the training session.
Participants will be personally liable for, and DPR will not reimburse, supplemental charges for in-room services, such as phone calls and room service.
Please bring a clipboard. We will be outdoors for most of both afternoons. Sun, wind and temperature should be considered when packing and dressing for the day.
If you have any questions, please contact Cliff Smith at 916-324-6680 or csmith@cdpr.ca.gov.
- Reservation Form
- Schedule