2010 Structural Regulatory Training
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) will be conducting Structural Regulatory Training this year in two locations.
Southern California: April 27-29 (Tuesday through Thursday)
Begin each day at this location; there will be travel on Day 1 & 2 to off-site demos
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SC AQMD) office
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Northern California: May 18-20 (Tuesday through Thursday)
Begin each day at this location; there will be travel on Day 2 to off-site demos
Radisson Hotel
6680 Regional Street
Dublin, CA 94568
Participants to either location should allow sufficient time on Tuesday to eat lunch prior to arriving for training. This year participants will be responsible for providing their own snacks, beverages, and lunch during the course of training, (see enclosed reimbursement information). Mock demonstrations will be outdoors on Day 1 and Day 2; attendees are advised to consider sun, wind, heat, and insects when packing and dressing for the day. This year hotel rooms cannot be directly billed to the DPR, as was done last year. Late hotel check-in is allowed on the day of training.
Hotel Stay
Participants seeking reimbursement for hotel accommodation must stay for the entire program on all three days to receive reimbursement. See attachment for hotel and meal reimbursement instructions.
Registration for the Training
Most counties have submitted their list of attendees for either location. Those who have not or those wishing to change initial registration information are asked to do so by Friday, April 16 for either location. Registrations received after that date may not be accommodated.
California Aeration Plan (CAP) Training
Wednesday (Day 2) each location has been designated for Branch 1 – Structural Fumigation mock demonstrations including CAP, the new structural aeration plan intended to replace the existing Tarpaulin Removal Aeration Plan (TRAP).
Several counties have asked if staff can attend just the CAP training. Staff are welcome to attend just the CAP training; however, those individuals need to be identified by Friday, April 16 for planning purposes.
Break-Out Sessions
There will not be any break-out sessions during the Southern California training due to attendance and logistics; however, there will be a break-out session during the Northern California training on Wednesday (Day 2) for experienced staff. Topics will include: Elements of a Violation; NOPA Checklist and County’s role in NOPAs. Other topics may be included.
Hotel registration information, directions to mock demonstration sites, and reimbursement instructions are enclosed.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kathleen Boyle, at 916-445-3909, or kboyle@cdpr.ca.gov or any of my staff.
- Structural Regulatory Training Information
- Structural Regulatory Training Summary Agenda