Mary-Ann Warmerdam

Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 2005-006
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Alternative Management Practices Under the Ground Water Regulations for Runoff Ground Water Protection Areas
This letter transmits the Director’s decision to approve two alternative ground water management practices. Specifically, the approved practices would allow use of Title 3, California Code of Regulations section 6800(a) pesticides in runoff ground water protection areas in two situations:
- Where runoff water is stored onsite in a retention area with a percolation rate of greater than 0.2 inches per hour provided the water is recycled as specified
- Where runoff water from applications to the tops and outer sides of canal banks and to rights of way does not flow to structures that facilitate movement to ground water.
If you have any questions regarding this document, please contact Mr. Mark Pepple at (916) 324-4086.
Original signature by:
Scott T. Paulsen
Chief, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
John S. Sanders, Ph.D.
Chief, Environmental Monitoring Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Enclosure, PDF
Mr. Mark Pepple, DPR Senior Environmental Research Scientist (w/Enclosure)
Mr. John Donahue, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosure)