Annual County Agricultural Commissioner Permit Action Review Summary Form
Under Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) section 14009, County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) must complete a permit action review in response to an interested person requesting the CAC to review their action in issuing, refusing, revoking, suspending, or conditioning a permit to use or possess a restricted material. On July 2, 2024, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2113 (Chapter 60, Statutes of 2024). AB 2113 amended FAC section 14009 to create a new annual reporting requirement for CAC permit action reviews. CACs must now annually report to the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) the number of permit action reviews completed in the previous calendar year, pursuant to FAC section 14009(a)(1), that were not completed within 10 days, the average number of days required for review, and the number of permits that were affirmed, modified, or cancelled.
DPR has developed the attached form, Annual County Agricultural Commissioner Permit Review Summary (DPR-ENF-229), for CACs to use to comply with this reporting requirement. Each CAC must report this information annually by January 31, even if no requests for review under FAC section 14009(a)(1) were received in the prior calendar year.
The first required FAC section 14009(a)(2) report, covering calendar year 2025 permit reviews, is due to DPR by January 31, 2026. DPR will send a reminder in December 2025 to CACs to complete and submit the form back to DPR. CACs should track any permit appeals and their timeframes and can reach out to their respective Enforcement Branch Liaison when a permit appeal is received if there are questions about this process.
Forms can be submitted by email to Enf.HQ@cdpr.ca.gov or by mail to:
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Attn: Enforcement Headquarters Branch
1001 I Street, PO Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
This form will also be included in a forthcoming update to Compendium Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting.
If you have any questions about implementing these requirements, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.