Bee Protection – Label Interpretation
This letter supersedes and replaces county agricultural commissioner letter ENF 08-28 that addressed pesticide label bee protection statements.
The primary change is the recognition of the role of California’s statutory bee notification and protection program in bringing parties together to discuss the potential for bees visiting the proposed treatment site and practical mitigation steps to minimize adverse impacts on bees. This is an important program to minimize impacts on bees while allowing for necessary pest control.
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has also applied new information to the interpretation of both the standard Environmental Protection Agency recommended labeling statements and some of the variations that we may see in the field. DPR hopes that this new information will assist county agricultural commissioners to meet the ongoing challenges related to the potential impacts of pesticide applications on honeybees.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Bee Protection Labeling Statements