Calculation of Annual Total Sites
For the Pesticide Regulatory Activities Monthly Report (PRAMR), the Annual Total Sites represents the number of sites identified on all valid restricted material permits (including valid multi-year permits issued prior to the current fiscal year) and permit amendments issued by each county. This value is included on the June PRAMR report and used in the mill reimbursement criteria to support county pesticide programs. This letter is to inform you that on March 5, 2020, the formula CalPEATS used to calculate this value was modified to increase consistency across all counties. As outlined below, CalPEATS now calculates Annual Total Sites using a combination of pesticide use report (PUR) and restricted material permit data rather than permit data only.
For a site to be counted in Annual Total Sites, all of the following criteria must be met in CalAgPermits during the reporting period (July 1 to June 30):
- Restricted material permit was active,
- Site was listed and active on the permit,
- Commodity was listed and active on the site, and
- At least one PUR is entered in CalAgPermits for the permit, site, and commodity.
For example, if an active permit lists a site that has two commodities, and both commodities have a PUR, this counts as two sites. If only one of the commodities has a PUR, this counts as one site. If neither commodity has a PUR, this counts as zero sites.
This calculation includes PURs for any application, including non-restricted materials. Please note that the number of individual applications is not part of the calculation of Annual Total Sites. Also, commodities listed on rotational crop lists will not affect the calculation because for rotational crop sites the commodity treated comes from PUR data. As outlined in the PRAMR instructions, sites only included on operator identification numbers do not count toward Annual Total Sites and this has not changed.
CalPEATS automatically populates Annual Total Sites on the annual Fiscal Year Review report and dynamically updates it based on PUR entry. In the future, to allow DPR to meet the timeline specified in Title 3, California Code of Regulations section 6391(a), PUR data for the reporting year (July 1-June 30) must be entered in CalAgPermits by the following December 31 to ensure an accurate count of the number of sites.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lisa Calhoun at Lisa.Calhoun@cdpr.ca.gov or the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.