Call for Nominations for Integrated Pest Management Innovator Awards – Nominations Due March 31, 2003
Are you aware of a group that is using innovative, reduced-risk integrated pest management (IPM) practices and taking a leadership role in promoting these practices? The Department of Pesticide Regulation is looking for California groups, organizations, or companies that should be recognized for their innovative approaches to pest management. DPR wants to recognize them with an IPM Innovator Award for their skill, motivation, and willingness to share information about new pest management systems. Recognition is given to both agricultural and nonagricultural groups. This year’s awards ceremony will be held in Sacramento during October.
What are the characteristics of an IPM innovator group? An IPM innovator group has developed a collection of practices for dealing with pests in a particular situation or a pest management system. These practices stress the application of biological and cultural pest control techniques. Pesticides are used only when necessary to achieve acceptable levels of control with the least possible harm to non-target organisms and the environment. An IPM innovator group promotes development of the knowledge and cost-effective techniques necessary for its particular pest management situation. An IPM innovator group also has a willingness to share technical information both within and outside the group, as well as a research effort and administrative organization that is supportive of the group’s participants.
Once an IPM innovator group has been identified, DPR works with the group and provides incentives to strengthen its program and increase adoption of its approach. DPR helps established groups “spread the word” to other groups so that new groups will form and adopt reduced-risk methods of pest control.
If you would like to nominate a group for an IPM Innovator Award, please complete the enclosed form and send to:
IPM Innovators Program
c/o Mr. Charles D. Hunter
Pest Management and Licensing Branch
Department of Pesticide Regulation
P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, California 95012-4015
You may also submit award nominations via the Internet. Information on past awards and nomination forms are available online at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pestmgt/ipminov/ipmmenu.htm.
Nominations must be received by March 31, 2003. Fact sheets, articles, brochures, promotional materials, etc., that describe the nominated group are helpful but not required. Note that lengthy nomination write-ups are not necessary as we will obtain detailed information from the nominated groups themselves.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Charles D. Hunter, Senior Environmental Research Scientist, at (916) 324-4264.
- Enclosure