Continuing Education and Renewal Procedures for Private Applicator Certificate Holders (Food and Agricultural Code, Section 14099)
This letter refers to the sunset of Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) section 14099 and the process of renewing private applicator certificates through continuing education (CE). The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will continue to honor the CE renewal process as described in statute until regulations are formally adopted to replace the law.
Currently, private applicators may renew their certificate by taking DPR-approved CE or by examination. FAC section 14090 through 14099.5 established the private applicator certificate program in 1997 for pesticide applicators that use, or supervise the use of, restricted materials. Private applicator certificate holders who elect to renew their certification by obtaining CE are required to complete at least six hours of approved education; at least two hours must be in laws and regulations.
The FAC authority to renew private applicator certificates through CE will be lost when FAC 14099 sunsets on January 1, 2003.
DPR is developing a regulation proposal that will allow private applicators to renew their certification with CE. We plan to have the regulation in place within about six months. In the meantime DPR will maintain the status quo through policy and allow private applicators to obtain CE hours or pass a written examination to renew their private applicator certificates. The policy includes the following proration for private applicators renewing for the first time.
- Applicators with certificates valid for 25 to 36 months at the time of renewal must take at least six hours of CE, including at least two hours of laws and regulations.
- Applicators with certificates valid for 12 to 24 months at the time of renewal must complete four hours of CE, including at least two hours in laws and regulations.
- Applicators with certificates valid for less than 12 months at the time of renewal are exempt from the CE requirement.
All other private applicator renewals must meet the six-hour CE requirement with at least two hours of laws and regulations or pass a written examination.
If you have any questions pertaining to this document, please contact your Senior Pesticide Use Specialist Liaison.