Correction to Title 3, California Code of Regulations Section 6686(b)
It has been brought to our attention that Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) section 6686(b) in the Enforcement Manual is in error. 3 CCR section 6686(b) incorrectly states, “Sections 6670(b) and 6672(b) shall not apply to exempt materials . . . .” 3 CCR section 6670 is not divided into subsections (a) and (b). 3 CCR section 6686(b) should read, “Sections 6670 and 6672(b) shall not apply to exempt materials . . . .” This error has been corrected and a replacement page is enclosed.
Please use this enclosure as a master copy to replace page 152 of the Regulations section of our Enforcement Manual which was provided to you as part of Enforcement Letter 03-20.
This serves as a good reminder to check Barclay’s Official California Code of Regulations before citing someone.
Because this is a public document, it can be photocopied. These regulations can be found on the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Web site at: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/legbills/calcode/chapter_.htm.
This revision is effective immediately. If you have any questions or other errors to report, please contact your Senior Pesticide Use Specialist.
- Enclosures, PDF