County Performance Evaluation – Required New Template
The enclosed county performance evaluation template is required and supersedes the “example” template provided in ENF 17-08. Its use will result in a uniform presentation of evaluations and information, yet incorporate analysis of any deficiencies and best practices by each county’s pesticide use enforcement program. Among the specific changes are the addition of explanatory language and structured tables to report key information, as well as enhanced readability.
The evaluation period will still be up to the past three calendar years, as required by 3 CCR 6394. The DPR performance evaluation process is ongoing and is partially based on the County Agricultural Commissioner’s (CAC’s) Work Plan and on other observations made by the Enforcement Branch Liaison (EBL). It also includes meetings and other communications with the CAC to discuss the county’s overall performance, and any program deficiencies and suggested corrective actions. The goal for DPR is to provide the evaluations by June 30, so that the CAC can review them and make any necessary program changes immediately for the following year(s).
Please make this information available to your staff as a reference. If you have any questions, contact the EBL assigned to your county.