Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Mary-Ann Warmerdam
California State Seal
Arnold Schwarzenegger
ENF 07-19
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Decision Report Form, DPR-161 (Rev. 6/07)

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) recently revised the Decision Report form (DPR-161, Rev. 6/07) to provide greater clarification and direction to county agricultural commissioners about the type of information needed to support their decisions. DPR had also received requests from county agricultural commissioners to make a form that would be available electronically, could be filled out without using a traditional paper form, edited, and then printed.

Adobe´s Acrobat Professional software was selected to recreate the form since OmniForm no longer offers a “free” form filler. DPR staff and many others reported encountering problems retaining the format in Microsoft Word, so Microsoft Word was not selected.

If your office has a copy of Adobe Acrobat 6 or 7, it can be used to fill, revise, and save Decision Reports. However, if your office only has Adobe Reader, the form may be filled-in and printed, but the completed form cannot be saved. (Adobe Reader is available as a free download from Adobe´s web site at

It is not necessary to use DPR´s version of the form. If your county already has a version of the form in Microsoft Word or some other software, you may continue to use that form.

If you have any questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.


Original signature by:
Roy Rutz
Acting Chief, Enforcement Branch
(916) 445-4279


  • Enclosure, PDF (449 kb)
Ms. Ada Ann Scott, Agriculture Program Supervisor II
Mr. James Shattuck, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons