Decision Report Form, DPR-161 (Rev. 6/07)
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) recently revised the Decision Report form (DPR-161, Rev. 6/07) to provide greater clarification and direction to county agricultural commissioners about the type of information needed to support their decisions. DPR had also received requests from county agricultural commissioners to make a form that would be available electronically, could be filled out without using a traditional paper form, edited, and then printed.
Adobe´s Acrobat Professional software was selected to recreate the form since OmniForm no longer offers a “free” form filler. DPR staff and many others reported encountering problems retaining the format in Microsoft Word, so Microsoft Word was not selected.
If your office has a copy of Adobe Acrobat 6 or 7, it can be used to fill, revise, and save Decision Reports. However, if your office only has Adobe Reader, the form may be filled-in and printed, but the completed form cannot be saved. (Adobe Reader is available as a free download from Adobe´s web site at www.adobe.com).
It is not necessary to use DPR´s version of the form. If your county already has a version of the form in Microsoft Word or some other software, you may continue to use that form.
If you have any questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Enclosure, PDF (449 kb)