Declaration of an Agricultural Emergency (Sulfur)
Due to the unexpected rain that occurred in April and prediction of continuing warm weather the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has declared an agricultural emergency in the counties named above. This action will permit hand labor tasks during the extended restricted reentry interval for sulfur on table grapes. This action was taken in response to a request and is based on evidence submitted by the California Grape and Tree Fruit League (CG&TFL).
This Declaration (copy enclosed) will remain in effect through June 10, 2006.
There is a requirement for each agricultural establishment (grower) that intends to use this emergency declaration to report that intention to the county agricultural commissioner. This requirement has been in place for some time and based on past notices to you, the emergency may not have been widely used in the past. We have brought this to the attention of the CG&TFL and we have their commitment to help ensure that growers are made aware of the notice requirement.
Note that there is also a requirement for the CG&TFL to report back to the DPR on the use of the emergency declaration. This requirement is new for this year. A declaration of agricultural emergency has been requested quite frequently for this situation over the last several years and DPR is concerned that the regulations may need to be reviewed and perhaps amended. The required report is designed to obtain information to help us make that evaluation. The CG&TFL may be contacting you for updated information on notices of use of this declaration from growers who may not be members of their organization. Please assist them to the extent possible.
Questions concerning the use of this declaration should be directed to the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Enclosure, PDF