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Paul E. Helliker
California State Seal
Gray Davis
ENF 03-12
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Enforcement Branch Northern Regional Office Relocation, Effective April 3, 2003

Due to continuing budget reductions and to further economize departmental operations, the Northern Regional Office (NRO) is being relocated. This relocation from 3050 Beacon Boulevard, Suite 103, West Sacramento, California 95691 to the new location, California Environmental Protection Agency Building, P.O. Box 4015, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95812-4015 will occur on April 3, 2003. Mr. George Brady, NRO Supervising Pesticide Use Specialist, and his staff will occupy space on the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR’s) third floor. Staff phone, e-mail and fax lines will be operational on April 4, 2003. NRO will not have a separate phone line. Callers can contact NRO staff directly, or call DPR’s main receptionist line at (916) 324-4100 and be transferred to the NRO supervisor or appropriate NRO staff person.

The following mailing address, phone and fax lines have been assigned to NRO. NRO staff will have voice mail.

  • Department of Pesticide Regulation
    Enforcement Branch, Northern Regional Office
    P.O. Box 4015
    1001 I Street
    Sacramento, California 95812-4015
  • NRO General Number DPR Receptionist (916) 324-4100
    NRO Fax Number (916) 445-7083
    NRO Storage/Sample Prep (Mud Room) (916) 445-7068
    Mr. George Brady, Supervising Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-7338
  • Mr. Eric Smith, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-0449
    Mr. Tom Anderson, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1247
    Mr. James McKee, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1249
    Mr. Rick Strider, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1250
    Ms. Shelley Lopez, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1252
    Mr. Larry Catton, Senior Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1380
    Ms. Elizabeth Maaskant, Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-1359
    Ms. Donna Williams, Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-9578
    Mr. Kevin Lebsack, Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-5661
    Dr. Parakrama Gurusinghe, Pesticide Use Specialist (916) 445-9579

I would like to thank you for your patience during this relocation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. George Brady or the Senior Pesticide Use Specialist serving your county.


Original signature by:
Scott T. Paulsen
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Mr. George Brady