Department Of Pesticide Regulation E-Government Strategic Plan
Enclosed is a copy of our recently published “Electronic Government Strategic Plan.” The plan is also available online at https://www.einitiatives.dgs.ca.gov/pdfdocuments/DPR-eGov-Strategic-Plan.pdf.
This e-government strategic plan lays out the goals and objectives of the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). These goals and objectives are not intended to imply that our customers must conduct their business with us online. We have a responsibility to serve all our customers, including those that may prefer to conduct their business with us using more traditional methods. DPR intends to make greater use of Web-based technology in the future to support, supplement, and enhance its relationships with staff, County Agricultural Commissioners, citizens, and the regulated community.
Because e-government is a process, we expect to find and develop more initiatives in the future. This is only a starting point. Future versions of this strategic plan could include other technologies and direct links to County Agricultural Commissioners and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency processes and systems. Attempting to incorporate them now would complicate an already ambitious undertaking.
As you know, DPR has been working on the practical end of the business process improvements with County Agricultural Commissioners in various pilot projects, such as the Restricted Materials Management System (RMMS), and the On-Line County Registration System.
You will note in the enclosed document, under Strategies and Initiatives, on pages 5-7, the plan discusses various initiatives that directly relate to our County/State partnership in the areas of registration, licensing, permitting and enforcement, and pesticide use reporting. I expect many of these goals and objectives to be agendized and discussed at future Information Management Policy and Analysis Committee meetings.
I look forward to exploring and discussing this document further with you at upcoming area group and committee meetings. In the meantime, please contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
- Enclosure