ENF 2004-001
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Compliance Assessment Supplemental Report of the 2002 Budget Act
The State Legislature included language in the Supplemental Report of the 2002 Budget Act that directed the Department of Pesticide Regulation to provide their Legislative Analyst Office with specific information regarding state and county pesticide regulatory programs, including oversight and compliance data.
Please note: Enclosures (1-7) to the report are not included in this letter, but are referenced and available upon request from your assigned Enforcement Branch county liaison.
Original signature by:
Roy Rutz
Agriculture Program Supervisor III, Enforcement Branch
(916) 324-4100
- Compliance Assessment Supplemental Report of the 2002 Budget Act, PDF
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison (w/Enclosures)