Director’s Decision on an Appeal of a County Agricultural Commissioner Decision (Docket Number 137)
Enclosed is Administrative Docket Number 137, which contains the Director’s Decision on an Appeal of an Agricultural Civil Penalty, levied against S & S Helicopters by the Madera County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) for certain violations of California’s pesticide laws and regulations pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code section 12999.5.
In the above case, the Director dismissed the appeal and the CAC withdrew his order. Because the CAC could not provide tapes or a transcript of the hearing due to technical error, the record was insufficient to conduct an appeal.
Please make this information available to your staff so they can use it as a training tool in preparing cases.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Louis Watson, Senior Special Investigator, at (916) 445-3894, or the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Enclosure, PDF