Director’s Decision on an Appeal of a County Agricultural Commissioner Decision (Foster Farms Dairy, Docket Number 177)
The Director’s decision on Foster Farms Dairy’s appeal of the civil penalty assessed by the Stanislaus County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) is enclosed. The CAC levied a $700 civil penalty for violation of Title 3, California Code of Regulations section 6726(c). Foster Farms Dairy failed to take one of its employees to a physician immediately after the employee experienced a pesticide exposure to his eye. The Director concurred with the Commissioner’s action and affirmed the $700 fine.
This decision addresses the following key words or conditions:
- Immediate medical care
- Evaluation of conflicting evidence and testimony
Please make this information available to your staff so they can use it as a reference in preparing cases. If you have any questions, please contact David Haskell, Research Program Specialist II, at 916-445-4207, or the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Enclosure