Director’s Decision to Approve Two Additional Nighttime Application Methods of Metam-Sodium
The Director of the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has signed the Director’s Decision to approve two additional application methods to the list of current field fumigation methods.
Effective May 1, 2008, DPR will allow nighttime applications of metam-sodium using any of the following two methods, with conditions:
- Night Sprinkler Application with Two Post-Fumigation Water Treatments
- Night Shank Application with Two Post-Fumigation Water Treatments
The enclosure provides the regulatory requirements recommended for these fumigation methods and includes new Pesticide Use Reporting information. The enclosure will be added to Appendix C.5 of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium; Volume 3 – Restricted Materials and Permitting in the next update. With the volatile organic compounds regulations in effect, Enforcement Branch anticipates reformatting Appendix C from its current version into two specific areas, commodity fumigation and field soil fumigation.
If you have questions contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Interim Soil Fumigation Methods, PDF
- Field Fumigation Methods Codes, PDF