Dry Run for Pesticide Episode Investigations Improvement Training
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Enforcement Branch Regional Offices in conjunction with Worker Health and Safety Branch has developed a Pesticide Episode Investigation Improvement Training to meet the U.S. EPA Worker Protection Program Work Plan for fiscal year 2001/02. The purpose of this training is to improve Pesticide Episode Investigation Reports.
The Training Liaison Committee plans on conducting eight training sessions throughout the state. An enforcement letter will be sent out in the near future, listing the training sites and specific information.
DPR would first like to invite county agricultural commissioners and their staff to attend our “Dry Run” session for this training as follows:
Date: February 7, 2002
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Central Valley Auditorium, 2nd floor
California Environmental Protection Agency Building
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California
Please contact your Senior Pesticide Use Specialist to confirm your attendance. Seats are limited and are available on first come, first served basis. DPR will not reimburse expenses incurred for this presentation.