Employer Training Record Templates for Handlers and Fieldworkers
Employers are required to train employees on pesticide safety pursuant to 3CCR 6724 (handlers) and 6764 (fieldworkers). This letter announces updates to the suggested handler and fieldworker pesticide safety training templates on our website. These templates can be used by employers to train employees to handle pesticides or to work in pesticide-treated fields.
Previous suggested training record forms/templates are in the appendix of the Pesticide Use Compliance Guide for Employers and Businesses issued 2006 in ENF 06-08. The Guide was last updated in 2010 and is currently undergoing revision to include regulation changes that have occurred since then. However, in light of the recent handler and fieldworker training topic changes, we felt it was appropriate to get the templates to you as soon as possible.
We are providing the suggested templates in both MS Word and pdf formats in English and Spanish for your convenience. Please provide them to your growers and businesses as a reference to train employees.
If you have questions please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Field Worker Training Record - English pdf
- Word
- Registro de capacitación para los trabajadores del campo - Spanish pdf
- Word
- Employer's Written Handler Training Program - English pdf
- Word
- Programa del capacitación escrito del empleador para el manipulador - Spanish pdf
- Word
- Handler Safety Training Record - English pdf
- Word
- Registro de capacitactión de seguridad para los manipuladores - Spanish pdf
- Word