Enforcement Branch County Agricultural Commissioner Survey
In order for us to effectively carry out our respective roles of statewide oversight and local delivery of the pesticide enforcement program, it is essential that we examine our partnership expectations and continually strive to meet them. To assess the Enforcement Branch’s assistance provided to you and your staff, I would appreciate your constructive comments on our program support and oversight role.
Please understand this is not intended to be a performance appraisal of Enforcement Branch staff. It is intended to identify how well headquarters provides support to the field staff and how effective they, in turn, support you. We hope to identify areas or trends that can be improved upon, and thus, enhance our partnership with you.
Since this is not a “check the box” type survey, please take as much time as necessary to clearly express your responses. I would appreciate it, though, if you would target January 31, 2004, as the date to return the survey directly to me. It will help us prepare for follow-up discussions this coming spring. I plan to review the survey results with Enforcement Branch staff and have the regional office supervisors meet with you to discuss your responses and program improvements.
- Enclosure, PDF