Enforcement/Compliance Action Summary (ECAS) Forms DPR-ENF 046 and 047
This letter is to inform you of revised reporting procedures when using CalPEATS for tracking enforcement actions and supersedes the procedures described in Enforcement Letter 15-04.
Effective August 16, 2017, with the statewide implementation of CalPEATS, County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs) will no longer have to email to the Department of Pesticide Regulation opening and closing Enforcement/Compliance Action Summary (DPR-ENF-046) forms. The Enforcement Response Module in CalPEATS captures all of the information previously submitted on the DPR-ENF-046 and the Enforcement/Compliance Action Summary Supplemental Form (DPR-ENF-047).
California Code of Regulations Title 3, section 6130 (e) requires that a copy of the Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA) be submitted to the Director (i.e. the Enforcement Branch Regional Office) when they are sent to the respondents. To meet this requirement, CACs shall upload a copy of the NOPA to the “Attachments” section on the CalPEATS Enforcement Action Details page, when the NOPA is sent to the respondent.
The CalPEATS “User Guide” contains detailed information on using CalPEATS to record enforcement actions. This guide can be accessed in CalPEATS by clicking on the “Help” dropdown menu, and selecting “Online Help” from the choices. Refer to section 10.1 Enforcement Response Detail for instructions on completing the Enforcement Response Detail screen in CalPEATS.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.