Enforcement Response Workshop June 28, 2006 in Redding
The Department of Pesticide Regulation will hold a workshop for the northern County Agriculture Commissioners and their staff on the Enforcement Response proposed regulations. Included will be an overview of the proposed regulation and a discussion on how to classify a violation.
This workshop will be repeated in several regions within the state, in the next two months.
Shasta College
Room #1425 lecture hall
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, California
Directions: take U.S. 299 East off of I-5, then north on Old Oregon Trail. Please park in the Pool Parking Lot or, if full, park in the North Lot.
Date: June 28, 2006
Time: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (lunch on your own)
Please notify your Enforcement Branch Liaison, by June 26, 2006, of the number of attendees from your county at the Redding workshop.
Additional locations of this workshop will be announced soon.