Food and Agricultural Code and California Code of Regulations 2002 Power Point Presentations
Enclosed is your compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) of Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) and California Code of Regulations (CCR) 2002 Microsoft PowerPoint presentations developed by the Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner in cooperation with the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). The Microsoft PowerPoint presentations completed in 2002 were developed for staff training and continuing education training and can be modified to fit your specific needs. The Microsoft PowerPoint presentations will be on DPR’s Web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov. It is anticipated that we will have the link identified in the next two months.
Each CD-ROM contains 17 Microsoft PowerPoint presentations and the subjects are as follows:
- Definitions in CCR 6000
- Part II FAC 11901-12258
- Part III FAC 12400-12407
- Laws and Regulations: Produce and Residue
- Laws and Regulations: General Standards of Care/Negative Pesticide Use Report
- Laws and Regulations: Commissioner Consultation/Pilots
- Laws and Regulations: Equipment Identification/Exemptions
- Laws and Regulations: Employer-Employee Responsibilities/Closed Systems
- Laws and Regulations: Minimal Exposure Pesticides/Pest Management Zone
- Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspections
- Pest Control Records Inspections
- The Worker Protection Standard
- What’s Wrong With This Picture?
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Pesticide Use Enforcement History
- Is Drift Illegal?
- The Safe Use Requirements of Aluminum Phosphide and Methyl Bromide
If you have suggested changes, comments or identify necessary corrections regarding any of the presentations, please contact the Senior Pesticide Use Specialist serving your county.