Forwarding Notices of Proposed Action, Administrative Civil Penalty Closing Documents, and Formal Referral Documents to the Department of Pesticide Regulation
A copy of every Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA), closing document, and formal referral letter issued by the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) must be forwarded by the CAC to the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Regional Office.
DPR continues to track overall enforcement trends within the state. The collection of all NOPAs, closing documents, and referrals to a District Attorney or other formal referrals, allows DPR to provide more accurate and complete information about pesticide enforcement throughout the state.
The enclosure describes the types of documents and clarifies where and when to submit the copies.
If you have any questions, please contact the DPR Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Routing Administrative Civil Penalty and Formal Referral Documents to DPR