Healthy Schools Act of 2000
The California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association appointed Mr. Cato Fiksdal, Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC), to work with the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) on issues related to the Healthy Schools Act of 2000 (Assembly Bill 2260). Mr. Stacy Carlsen, Marin CAC, Mr. Dave Frieders, San Francisco CAC, and Mr. Mark Tognazzini, San Benito CAC, expressed interest and participate in the technical advisory group that also includes Mr. Cato Fiksdal, Mr. Tony Hesch, California Department of Education, and DPR staff including Madeline Brattesani, Ph.D., School Integrated Pest Management Program, Ms. Linda Lichtenberger, Pesticide Use Reporting, Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison, Ms. Ada Ann Scott, Pesticide Use Reporting, Mr. Mac Takeda, Licensing and Certification, and Mr. Jim Walsh, Enforcement.
This group identified the need to clarify roles and responsibilities for the county agricultural commissioners, schools and school districts in enforcing or reporting violations and handling complaints regarding pesticide use issues at schools. The enclosed packet of materials, containing information on Assembly Bill 2260 requirements, has been mailed to school district superintendents. It also includes information on the respective roles and responsibilities of schools, school districts, and county agricultural commissioners as related to this law.
If you have any questions about the enclosed information, please contact Madeline Brattesani, Ph.D., Senior Environmental Research Scientist, at (916) 324-4082.
- Enclosure