Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 12-10
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Hearing Officer Roundtable Project, Add Section 6.2.1 – Hearing Officer Changes to County Agricultural Commissioner Fines

The Enforcement Branch is providing guidance about hearing officer changes to County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) proposed fines in administrative pesticide penalty actions. Please see the attached enclosure.

Hearing officers may only change a CAC’s proposed fine under limited circumstances and in limited ways. The hearing officer must have a full understanding of the limits when making those changes.

This new guidance will be added to the online version of the Hearing Officer Roundtable Project, as “Section 6.2.1 – Hearing Officer Changes to CAC Fines.” Please place a copy of the enclosure in your Hearing Officer Roundtable Project manual.

Please ensure all staff or contractors involved in advocacy, hearing officer, or other administrative pesticide penalty activities on your behalf, are aware of this guidance. You may view the Hearing Officer Roundtable Project.

You may also wish to consult guidance on related subjects in ENF 12-09, “CAC Changes to Hearing Officer’s Proposed Decisions;” and, ENF 12-11, “Hearing Officer Responsibilities.”

If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.


Original signature by:
George Farnsworth
Chief, Enforcement Branch


  • Section 6.2.1 Hearing Officer Changes to CAC Fines
Ms. Polly Frenkel, DPR Chief Counsel
Mr. Jim Shattuck, Interim DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons