Implementation of California Aeration Plan for Structural Fumigations
The California Aeration Plan (CAP) has been submitted and accepted for use as a Fumigation Safety Program as provided in section 6780(c) of the California Code of Regulations, Title 3.
The revised version of CAP (dated October 7, 2010) is enclosed and replaces all previous Fumigation Safety Programs. The Tarpaulin Removal and Aeration Plan (TRAP) and earlier versions of CAP will not be accepted for use as Fumigation Safety Programs, effective November 1, 2010.
The inspection procedures for structural fumigations have been revised and are enclosed. Please replace Chapter 7 of your Inspection Procedures Manual (Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium, Volume 4).
A rulemaking to revise section 1970.5 of the California Code of Regulations, Title 16, has been initiated by the Structural Pest Control Board. The intent of that rulemaking is to provide specific requirements for licensee presence at fumigant aeration in the Fumigation Safety Program. (For example, CAP contains the requirement for an Operator or Field Representative to be present for, and assure completion of, aeration Steps 1 through 4.)
If you have any questions about implementation of CAP as a Fumigation Safety Program or inspection procedures for structural fumigations, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Replacement Page Instructions
- Chapter 7: Structural Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report (PR-ENF-107)
- Appendix 6 - California Aeration Plan (CAP) (Rev 10/10)