Interim Approval of New, Nontarpaulin/Tree-Hole Fumigation Method (FFM Code 1230) for 1,3-Dichloropropene
The Tehama County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) submitted a request to allow a new, nontarpaulin/tree-hole fumigation method (Field Fumigation Method (FFM) Code 1230) for 1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-D) to treat individual tree-hole sites. This fumigation method is currently not allowed as part of the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR’s) efforts to mitigate the potential health effects of 1,3-D an reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, as specified in Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) section 6448.2(d). However, the regulations include a provision for the DPR Director to grant interim approval of fumigation methods with emissions no greater than the field fumigation methods allowed in the regulations, as long as the method meets the criteria set forth in 3 CCR sections 6448.3 and 6452. DPR has completed its evaluation (attached) of the nontarpaulin/tree-hole fumigation method and determined that this fumigation method meets the criteria specified by 3 CCR sections 6448.3 and 6452 and can be allowed statewide on an interim basis for three years, with use restrictions outlined in the attached document. Effective September 3, 2024, DPR grants approval for statewide interim use of nontarpaulin/tree-hole fumigation method (FFM 1230), with restrictions. Due to labeling restrictions, this method cannot be used with products containing a combination of 1,3-D and chloropicrin.
The attached document specifies several restrictions for the use of the FFM 1230 (nontarpaulin/tree-hole) fumigation method. DPR revised its recommended permit conditions for 1,3-D to include these use restrictions and added FFM 1230 to Table 1 (VOC restrictions for 1,3-D fumigation methods) and Table 2 (application factors for township cap purposes). These and other revisions to Appendix J are included in Enforcement Letter 24-10. CACs should cite Food and Agricultural Code section 12973 for any violations.
Effective September 3, 2024, CACs may allow this new, nontarpaulin/tree-hole fumigation method (FFM 1230), with the current requirements and additional restrictions set forth in the attached document. The reason for the delay is to allow sufficient time to update the CalAgPermits and Telus software to accommodate this new fumigation method, including a new field fumigation method code (FFM 1230), for pesticide use reporting and township cap calculations.
If you have any questions, please contact your DPR Enforcement Branch Liaison.